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Our Mission

Our goal is to support women during their journey with breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a serious disease which requires countless exhausting treatments, doctors appointments, and decisions. Throughout this time, one of the most important factors is support.

No one should travel on this journey alone. Lack of support increases stress, reduces survivor rates, and prolongs healing time. We want to provide the support that they need. With donations, we will provide women with meals, groceries, and financial assistance. This help will lessen the burden for these women so that they can focus on battling this serious disease.

With your help, we will make a positive impact the fight against breast cancer, empowering one woman at a time.

Make A Difference

With your help, we will make a positive impact the fight against breast cancer, empowering one woman at a time.

Meet the Founder

In June 2014, I received a phone call that took my life down a path I never imagined -- I had breast cancer. The days ahead were filled with doctors appointments, test, and difficult decisions.


I lost control of my own life.

I was battling a serious disease, undergoing exhausting treatments, and sufering side effects while also enduring the emotional strain of the scars left behind. I was fortunate with the support of my family and friends, but not all women are as fortunate. Some are fighting their battle alone. I have established the non-profit organization, Pink Hands, and commtted myself to supporting women during their Breast Cancer journer.

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